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Mission to spain

1st June 2023

We are going for a 2-week exploratory mission to Alicante, Spain. We are hoping to link up with a ministry that works with the homeless and refugees, minister in an outreach cafe and possibly pastor a church. Please pray for us and support us. Thank you. Donate HERE

Marriage, Singleness, Dating and Divorce Course 

4th August 2023

We are running a 4-session course on relationships.

To find out more click HERE

Click here for his baptism video
Alexandra Goes to Her Eternal Home

6th December 2022

Last Saturday morning Tamara awoke from a dream about Alexandra. In the dream, she got a call from Alexandra and was surprised because she hadn’t heard from her in 3 days. Alexandra excitedly told Tamara how a builder was preparing two houses for her for when she leaves this place (hospice). Tamara then got translated to one of the houses that had been built for her as the other was not yet finished and she was looking into the house, through a large open window. Inside the house, Alexandra was there with her mother and they greeted her warmly, and she noticed a bread machine was on and fresh bread was cooking. She along with her mother looked happy, content and peaceful.

After this dream, Tamara called Alexandra’s mother who was in the hospice with her daughter. She said Alexandra was unable to speak as she was now sleeping continually due to sedation but she was happy to put the phone on loudspeaker so that Tamara could speak through the phone to her. Tamara just reminded Alexandra how amazing and how loved she was by her Heavenly Father and us and many others as well as speaking resurrection life over her.

On Sunday evening Alexandra went on to that heavenly home that had been prepared for her where the Bread of life is, Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers for Alexandra. Please pray for her two young daughters and her parents that the Comforter will be so close to them at this time, and they will come to know Jesus not only as their Comforter but as their Saviour, just as Alexandra did a few months ago. 

2 Corinthians 5:1
For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

Click here for his baptism video
Dwayne Wallace Has Passed Onto Glory With Jesus. (click the image above to see his baptism and testimony)

24th November 2022

Have you ever wonderedDuring our mission to Jamaica 2019-2021, we met a young man on the streets in a wheelchair named Dwayne who suffered from Diabetes. The first day we met him we spent a while sharing the gospel with him and he received Jesus. At this point, he had already lost one of his toes.

Dwayne lived on his own, but his cousin Donique who loved him dearly like a brother, would often visit and look after him. At the age of 12 Donique had been through the trauma of seeing both his own parents shot dead in front of him. Despite his struggles, Dwayne helped raise a little boy who came from the poverty-stricken area in which he lived.

Dwayne didn’t really know his Father as he was overseas somewhere, his mother lived not far away from him but they didn’t see much of each other at all for a while.

We encouraged Dwayne to come to church so we could disciple him. At first, there were things holding him back from joining us at church regularly. We used to see him often though, in the streets begging as we became like the street pastors in the town we were living in.

Dwayne spent a lot of time in the hospital for various health issues related to his diabetes. His diabetes started to get worse and due to infection, he lost his right foot and lower leg. It was a terrible experience for him to go through but despite it, he kept fighting and began joining us for fellowship. Throughout his time in the hospital, we continued to visit and to minister to him there.

Dwayne wanted to get baptised so we baptised him and he started joining us in the the park gatherings. It was a joy to have him worship our Father with us.

Sadly, a year or so later he got an infection in his hand after a stove accident and was admitted to the hospital. We were horrified to find out that they wanted to amputate his hand. They said that they couldn’t keep him in the hospital without “treatment” and amputation counted as treatment.

We ministered to him in the hospital and also spoke to the doctors in hope of finding another way out of this horrendous procedure. Unfortunately, he lost his hand on a Tuesday and by Saturday he had to leave the hospital with no further care. It was a horrific time for him and for us to see him suffering so badly.

Despite all this, Dwayne kept on fighting and came to our meetings both at church and in the park.

Upon leaving Jamaica to return to the United Kingdom to see to our children’s orthodontic needs, we left him in the care of the loving pastors whom we worked with and we kept in touch with them and him via WhatsApp.

He still kept having to go to the hospital, and eventually got cancer in his stomach.

Two weeks ago Tamara spoke to his mother with whom he was living with and found out he had passed on. Although she was devastated to lose whom she called her “belly pain”(Patois for firstborn), she was relieved that he had received the Lord Jesus and been baptised.

Dwayne’s relationship with his mother was not previously very good, but after he committed his life to Jesus this changed and the relationship was fully restored and he went to live with her. It was a beautiful thing to know that his cousin Donique and himself started reading the Bible together daily.

Here we see the importance of the Gospel of eternal life. During our ministry, we had baptised 5 people that we know went on early to their heavenly home. We sometimes imagine them there with no more suffering, enjoying fellowship with each other and their God.

Please pray for Dwayne’s mother who has not yet received salvation that the Comforter will make himself more known to her and her family so that one day she will join her son in heaven.

Dwayne has not yet been buried as funerals are very expensive in Jamaica costing around £1600. If you are able to help, you can send funds via the donate button above and mark the donation “Dwayne Wallace” for us to send on. All that we do is voluntary, so you may wish to send donations to the ministry for the time we spend helping transform lives and being ministers of eternal life.


2nd November 2022

Alexandra was told to leave the hospice by Friday, October 21. We invited her to stay with us and so she stayed a week sleeping in our lounge. During that time we ministered healing to her, prayed with her, taught her the word, worshipped together, ministered deliverance, took communion all together, administered her natural medication (as mentioned before the National Health Service is no longer wanting to treat her), and Tamara would anoint her with special pain relieving oil on her stomach and back that we and the nutritionist doctor prayed over.

When Alexandra was in hospice, she wore Morphine patches and would get topped up by an injection when the pain got too much. Now, she has had her Morphine patches reduced by a third and no longer has injections but receives ministry and natural pain relief instead.

Alexandra is also on a strict diet of vegetables and fruit and is visibly looking better. She still has some pains including her stomach and back (she injured her back when she was a care worker). Also, some of the cancer had spread to her lung from her bowels. She is also experiencing swelling in her feet which needs observation. We are working in conjunction with her nutritionist doctor whom we visit with Alexandra and her mother weekly.

Now she is back at her parent’s home where her children are, but she is still coming to us again every second day with her mother for ministry. Her parents are not believers, but her mother is hearing the word of God and seeing His Spirit move regularly when she comes with Alexandra. Her mother recently received the ministry of The Holy Spirit who visibly moved her.

The battle is not over but Alexandra is smiling more and her faith is growing. Until she is totally healed and off all medication, we should not stop praying for her.

Update to Alexandra KING - Baptism

20th October 2022

Alexandra has been coming to us for prayer every other day along with her mother who is not a believer, but is hearing the good news of Jesus while we minister to her daughter. During a time of ministry last week with Alexandra, it came into Tamara’s mind to ask Alexandra whether she was now ready to take the next step and get baptised. Her response was very enthusiastic, and she was keen to do it quickly.

Steven did some teaching on baptism, and Alexandra understood what it meant to be buried with Christ and rise again to a new life.

The only issue we had was where to baptise her as our bath is small. Then another idea came to Tamara’s. Alexandra had an appointment to see a nutritionist the next day in Kingston, very close to a friend of ours who has a bigger bath. In fact, we baptised both of her sons in that same bath. She was delighted for us to baptise Alexandra at her home and welcomed us with joy.

It was a beautiful occasion when Alexandra was baptised and resurrected into her new life with her mother watching. Our dear sister in Christ was in tears of joy to see another soul rescued and come into God’s marvellous light and life.

The Holy Spirit continues to bring her to our house for healing and discipling. Jesus said to the paralyzed man in John 5:6, “Do you want to be made well?”. We know for sure that Alexandra wants to be made well. She has two daughters to live for, and we believe she has a wonderful call of God on her life!

Please continue to pray for the healing to fully manifest and for her body to be rid of all bowel cancer and all the areas that it has spread to.


10th October 2022

About 6 months ago I met a single mum sitting, knitting in the church cafe. I sensed it was the Lord leading me to talk to her and felt instant love for her.

She was vibrantly dressed in bright colours and multi-coloured tights that went along with her bubbly personality! She laughs a lot and is a joy to be around. She told me she wasn’t a believer and was there because her girls enjoyed Sunday school.

Despite her unbelief, I could see such a call of God on her life.

We had some deep conversations and she shared her spiritual ideas as we listened without judgement and spoke to her about Jesus. She did not have a revelation of Jesus Christ and I felt it was something that needed to be targeted in prayer.

One day she mentioned she had been having pain in her stomach. She told us she was going for some tests in the week and said if the results came back with the ‘C’ word (cancer), she would come to us for prayer.

It turned out she did have cancer and since then we have prayed for her and shared more about Jesus’ love for her and all that he’s done for her.

At the same time, she was been getting Chemotherapy, which as we know is very harsh on the body and failed to cure her. So they suggested giving more intense treatment, but because she got an infection they couldn’t offer it and have now put her in a hospice.

On Sunday I called her and said we would like to go to the hospice and pray for her, but she was reluctant for us to go there. So I continued to pray and left it to God. A few hours later she called saying she wanted to come to our house to get prayer. Isn’t God amazing?

She came along with her mother and the first thing she asked was “Do you really think Your God has the power to make me better?”. We answered, “Not only does He have the power, He wants you better.”

That day she received Jesus and accepted Him as Her Lord. She prayed for the Holy Spirit to come and fill her which He so faithfully did. Since then she has been coming to our house to receive more prayer and ministry this week and is getting to know her Father in heaven.

A few months ago God told me that she is His, and that she even has His name. Her name is Alexandra King! Alexandra means “Defender of mankind", and we all know what King means!

Please, stand in agreement for the total healing manifestation of the King’s daughter, Alexandra. She needs your prayers as SHE IS NO LONGER RECEIVING MEDICAL TREATMENT OF ANY KIND. The only hope she has is JESUS healing her.

Alexandra has given us permission to share her full name stating we should “Tell the world to pray for me”

Update to Alexandra KING - Baptism

20th October 2022

Alexandra has been coming to us for prayer every other day along with her mother who is not a believer, but is hearing the good news of Jesus while we minister to her daughter. During a time of ministry last week with Alexandra, it came into Tamara’s mind to ask Alexandra whether she was now ready to take the next step and get baptised. Her response was very enthusiastic, and she was keen to do it quickly.

Steven did some teaching on baptism, and Alexandra understood what it meant to be buried with Christ and rise again to a new life.

The only issue we had was where to baptise her as our bath is small. Then another idea came to Tamara’s. Alexandra had an appointment to see a nutritionist the next day in Kingston, very close to a friend of ours who has a bigger bath. In fact, we baptised both of her sons in that same bath. She was delighted for us to baptise Alexandra at her home and welcomed us with joy.

It was a beautiful occasion when Alexandra was baptised and resurrected into her new life with her mother watching. Our dear sister in Christ was in tears of joy to see another soul rescued and come into God’s marvellous light and life.

The Holy Spirit continues to bring her to our house for healing and discipling. Jesus said to the paralyzed man in John 5:6, “Do you want to be made well?”. We know for sure that Alexandra wants to be made well. She has two daughters to live for, and we believe she has a wonderful call of God on her life!

Please continue to pray for the healing to fully manifest and for her body to be rid of all bowel cancer and all the areas that it has spread to.